Educational Resources

ZBD provides an extensive array of educational resources, including tutorials, walkthroughs, and guides. These resources are available in both the Knowledge Base and Documentation sections of

This Courses section is designed for learners seeking a more in-depth understanding. It offers a systematic, step-by-step approach to learning specific topics within the broader development ecosystem of the ZBD API.

We invite you to join our range of video-led courses, which aim to impart knowledge on various topics such as Bitcoin, Lightning, LNURL, Nostr, and even the basics of Web Development.


These are some of the Courses we have created and/or curated for developers learning to build with ZBD. We will be adding more Courses in the future, so be sure to check back often!

Bitcoin Lightning

Bitcoin Gaming


Web Development

For those just beginning their journeys in web development, we recommend starting with our Web Dev 101 Course. We’ve curated videos that teach you the basics of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Advanced videos on SQL, React and APIs are also available.

The idea behind these Courses is to provide a comprehensive introduction to web development, which will help you get started with building your own web applications and games that use ZBD API.