ZBD Gamertag
Create Charge
Generate a payment request for a ZBD User.
While you can use the Pay to ZBD Gamertag endpoint to make a direct Bitcoin payment to a given ZBD user, if for whatever reason you’d want to create a general Lightning Network Charge / Payment Request QR code, you can use this endpoint.
The response payload will include a
which is the contents of the Charge / Payment Request QR code. Do note that Charges have defined expiration times. After a Charge expires it cannot be paid, simply create another Charge.Configuration
Header Parameters
ZBD Project API Key
Content Type
The amount for the Payment -> in millisatoshis
Destination ZBD Gamertag
Note or comment for this Payment (visible to recipient)
Time until Charge expiration -> in seconds
Open metadata string property
The endpoint ZBD will POST Charge updates to
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